Discussing the future of spintronics in Paris
Spintronics is at the point of becoming a mainstream technology similar to semiconductor-based microelectronics. Ongoing research and development efforts aim to integrate spintronics and photonics into a common platform for light-based and spin-based quantum computing.
Several partners of the Swan-on-chip consortia were invited to discuss the future direction of spintronics and to present the SWAN-on-chip project to the wider spintronics community, in Paris, in November. Representatives of INL, CNR, Thales, University of Messina and Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz took part in engaging conversations as part of the SpintronicsFactory organisation.
Swan-on-chip is a brand new European Funded project composed of 9 partners that will dedicate the next years to work on low-power spintronics wireless autonomous node (SWAN) integrated circuits developed via the spintronics technology accelerator platform.