SWAN-on-chip co-sponsors 2022 School on Spintronics
Swan-on-chip project co-sponsored the IEEE Magnetics Society Italy Chapter – PETASPIN 2022 School on “Spintronics: fundamentals and applications” winter school for young international researchers, held in Messina in December 2022.
The school focused on furnishing concepts related to the fundamental and applied aspects of spintronics and it was specially designed for students, post-doc and early-stage researchers approaching the research field of spintronics and related areas.
Lectures were given by the University of Messina, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, INL and CNRS on the state-of-the-art of spintronics field. This winter school was an interesting opportunity to meet the next generation of spintronics researchers, and it encouraged fruitful scientific discussion in the beautiful Sicilian port.